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What to do following a bike accident

cyclist hit by a motorist

Following the climate change conference Cop 26 in Glasgow 2021 it has been widely agreed that climate change threatens the future of our economy, as well as our health.

Government bodies and businesses should act to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport by encouraging cycling as a zero-carbon option, this mode of travel should increase in popularity. Everyone understands that cycling carries a degree of risk and the more serious from a personal injury point of view, seems to be inattentive vehicle drivers commonly caused by drivers failing to look out for cyclists whilst turning this is despite regular Government awareness campaigns.  

What should I do if this happens?

As most cyclists will not have insurance it is very important to keep a records of the damage to your bicycle, clothing and equipment so these can be recovered from the motor vehicles insurers. Take photos of the damage and keep any receipts for all replacement items and repairs as this would be required to recover these costs.

Take pictures on your mobile phone of the accident location and the position of the motor vehicle and your bike.

Try your best to obtain contact details for the responsible driver and any people who may have witnessed the incident or stopped to help.

If you have been involved in an accident and would like to discuss any aspect of a claim for compensation, please call 0161 930 5151 or complete the online form.