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Individual / Will Disputes & Contentious Probate

Contesting a negligently drafted Wills

More often than not, it is not until a loved one dies that their Will is evaluated, and this is where problems with the drafting of the Will can come to light. You may have reason to believe that the Will does not truly reflect the wishes of the deceased because it was drafted negligently or differs from their instructions.

If you believe that the Will of a deceased loved one was negligently drafted you need to speak to a dispute specialist who can help you challenge the Will. Call the contentious probate team on 0161 930 5151, e-mail on or fill in our enquiry form and we will call you back.

Gorvins Approach to Negligently Drafted Wills

There are a number of matters where you may believe that negligence has occurred during the drafting of a loved ones Will. These could be:

  • A delay in the preparation of the Will
  • A delay in the signing of the Will
  • Negligent execution of the Will which links to Ensuring the Will is legally binding
  • Negligence in the professional’s assessment of the deceased mental capacity at the time of making the Will
  • Negligence in relation to any tax advice provided

The law of negligence is very complicated. If you think that negligence by a professional has occurred you should consider the following:

  • Why do you think there is negligence?
  • What does the allegation of negligence mean to the operation of the Will?
  • What financial loss have you suffered as a result of the negligent advice?

Even if a Will is valid, you may be able to claim against the solicitor or other professional if they drafted the Will negligently.

How can Gorvins help?

Our team at Gorvins have considerable experience of bringing professional negligence claims in relation to Wills, so speak to one of our experts for further advice on 0161 930 5151, e-mail or fill in our enquiry form and we will call you back.