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Individual / Road Traffic Defence

Early Driving Disqualification Removal

Did you know that you can ask the court to reduce your disqualification period after you have been disqualified for:

  • 2 years – if the disqualification was for fewer than 4 years
  • Half the disqualification period – if it was for at least 4 years but under 10 years
  • 5 years – if the disqualification was for 10 years or more

You must have good reasons for asking the court to reduce your disqualification. For example, if you think the court made a mistake or there were reasons why you committed the original offence which the court did not take into account when imposing sentence.

You can also ask the court to reduce the disqualification for personal reasons, some of which are listed below:

  • Employment Opportunities – If you have been offered a new job or a promotion which is dependent upon you being able to drive
  • Health Reasons – If you or a family member has health issues and it would benefit you or them if you were able to drive again
  • Family Issues – Family breakdown and inability to remain in contact with children due to not being able to drive

These are only a few of the reasons a court may consider, the list is by no means exhaustive. Other reasons may include an opportunity for you to carry out charity work or an elderly or sick relative would greatly benefit if you were able to drive again.

Any additional supporting evidence could strengthen your application such as medical reports from your GP or a CDT Blood test proving that you are addressing alcohol issues you may have had previously, reports from counsellors and Character References.

Court Hearing

We will contact the court that imposed the disqualification and the Crown Prosecution Service on your behalf to arrange a hearing when you will be required to attend. We will arrange for you to be represented by one of our specialist motoring barristers who will meet you at the court for a conference in private before the hearing commences.

In advance of the hearing, we will prepare your case and provide advice regarding supporting evidence and references. During the hearing your barrister will usually be able to deal with all matters on your behalf, to ensure the best possible outcome.

The Court will consider your application, taking into account various factors such as:

  • Your character and your subsequent conduct since the disqualification was imposed.
  • The nature of the circumstances of the offence for which you were originally disqualified.
  • The reasons why the court should consider early removal of the disqualification.
  • Any other circumstances relevant to your case.


The court can refuse your request to have your disqualification reduced, however you can re-apply after 3 months. There is no limit to the applications you can make until your licence is returned.

For a free initial consultation please call our road traffic defence solicitors on 0161 930 5151 or email

Alternatively please complete the contact form on this page and we will contact you as soon as possible.

If your call is out of normal office hours please call 07843 978201 and we will contact you as soon as possible.