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Off Your Bike – Hit by a Motorist When Cycling

cyclist hit by a motorist

The number of cyclists on the road is increasing year on year with over 4% of commuters now choosing to cycle to work.

The New Year sees an influx of new cyclists hitting the roads. Popular New Year’s resolutions to get healthy and taking up a new hobby can lead many people to dust off their handlebars and hit the roads.

Every year in the UK, over 19,000 cyclists are injured in road traffic accidents, the majority of which occur during the day at rush hour.

Unlike a motorist, a cyclist is not operating a registered vehicle and may not have any 3rd party insurance, this can often cause confusion as to what the correct procedure is in the aftermath of the collision with a motorist.

If you’re knocked from your bike by a motorist, you should take the following steps.

Stay Calm

Don’t get drawn into a confrontation, chances are the motorist wasn’t intentionally trying to run you over.

Emotions will likely be running high so avoid getting into an argument about who’s to blame.

Get out of danger

If you’re able to manoeuvre yourself out of the road to a safe space then do so as soon as possible, if getting hit by a car once is bad, twice is bound to be worse.

The safety of yourself and those around you should always be the first priority.

Exchange details

If the driver has remained at the scene, take down their details. This includes name, email address, telephone number, insurance details and license plate number (if nothing else, get the license plate number, this is usually enough to trace the driver).

Try to speak to anybody who witnessed the crash and get their contact information at the scene, the more witnesses the better.

If possible, take pictures on your phone including – the scene of the accident, any damage to your bike, the driver’s car, any injuries you have sustained. If you have a helmet cam, make sure you keep the footage.

Call emergency services

Report the incident to the police as soon as possible (you have a legal obligation to do so within 24 hours).

If the police arrive at the scene, give them your side of the story and ask for the officer’s name as well as the police case reference number.

If you are injured, call an ambulance. We recommend doing this even if your injuries appear minor, you may be experiencing shock or an adrenaline rush and may in more pain than you may initially realise.

Do not attempt to ride away.

After a collision, your bike may have suffered damage. Even if the bike appears to still be in working order, riding it on the road again before having it properly inspected could put yourself and others at risk of another accident.

Contact a solicitor

If you feel the accident wasn’t your fault, you may be entitled to a road traffic accident claim and compensation. Contact a solicitor as soon as possible.

If you have been the victim of a road traffic accident and wish to speak to one of our personal injury specialists about a possible compensation claim, ring us on 01619305151.

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