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Slips, Trips or Falls on Business Premises

snowy street

Winter has well and truly arrived, the snow has been falling heavily across all corners of the UK over the past few days and is causing hundreds of schools to close as well as creating treacherous conditions for drivers and pedestrians.

With these treacherous conditions comes a greater chance of incidents leading to injury, whether it be bumps on the roads of slips on the pavements.

Your employer may be liable for a personal injury claim if they neglect their duty to ensure that their premises are kept free from ice and snow (as far as reasonably possible). Many employers are so preoccupied worrying that staff, suppliers and customers won’t be able to make it to the business for it to function that they end up overlooking this responsibility.

The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 states that an occupier of premises has a ‘common duty of care’ towards visitors. This means they must ensure that visitors are ‘reasonably safe in using the premises’.

Therefore, it’s essential employers are aware of the upcoming weather forecasts and put measures in place to keep visitors from potentially slipping on ice or snow on the work premises i.e. clearing snow and gritting surfaces commonly used by visitors including pathways, works yards or car parks and if necessary, closing or diverting particularly hazardous areas (they do not have to clear all traces of snow and ice from every inch of the premises).

Your employers should have the necessary resources to deal with the snow or ice and be able to carry out these measures, such as having grit or gravel available and any removal of ice or snow should take place before working hours, with particular focus on car parks, delivery areas, main entrances and exits. If they fail to take these preventative measures then you may find yourself liable to a claim.

If you’ve suffered an injury as a result of a slip, trip or fall – Call us today and we will give you an honest assessment in regards to your claim and discuss a way to proceed forward. Our number is 01619305151 or you can fill in our online contact form.

  1. Personal Injury Claim FAQs
  2. Extreme Sports Injuries: Do You Have a Claim?
  3. Gorvins Personal injury team achieves Headway accreditation for 2020
  4. What is a non-freezing cold injury?
  5. Can I make a Road Traffic Accident Claim?
  6. Off Your Bike – Hit By a Motorist When Cycling
  7. The retail industry could see accidents increase

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