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Make your move now and be in by Christmas

In accordance with past years, autumn is the ideal time to sell your home. If you are intending to sell up but haven’t put your home on the market, now is certainly the time.

With summer holidays a distant memory and the children settled into their new school year, buyers are returning to the market with gusto to purchase their dream property before the C-word is upon us.

Great conditions to sell

The housing market is currently experiencing a bubble with house price figures steadily rising each month and year-on-year. The demand for houses at the moment is far outweighing supply with fewer new properties coming to market and more people looking; this means the advantage is firmly on the sellers’ side and if you’re looking for a quick sale, you could be in luck!

The advantage is exacerbated further with the fantastic weather we are experiencing. It may seem trivial, but this can make a huge difference to potential buyers when your house is being marketed: a house framed by clear blue skies and sunshine is infinitely better for photographs and viewings than one surrounded by dark grey rain clouds.

So, with high demand, high prices and an Indian summer backing you up, what are you waiting for?

The residential property market traditionally slows down after October and stays quiet until January time when people start thinking about the year ahead, therefore, if you want to sell and are in the position to, act now. If all goes right you’ll be in your new home for Christmas, which is just 85 days away!

What do I do now?

Contact our expert residential property team today for your conveyancing needs whether you are buying or selling a house in Manchester, the North West or anywhere in the UK! You can ring us today on 0161 930 5151 (included in mobile minutes) for a no-obligation fixed-fee quote or fill in our online contact form and we will give you a ring at a more convenient time.