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How You Could Be Invalidating Your Home Insurance

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Did you know, failing to deal with a mouse in the house could invalidate your home insurance?

Many may not be aware, but if you leap on a chair rather than calling pest control and then a gnawed wire causes a fire, it could affect the cover on your home.

However unreported stray mice aren`t the only factors which can nullify home insurance. Other factors include posting pictures on social media when you`re on holiday, and not securing tools such as ladders or garden tools which could be used to break into the house.

And if you hurl plates during a row with your other half and damage your property, this is regarded as malicious and therefore you won`t be able to claim.

So many people don’t take the time to read the full details of their insurance policies once they take one out. But ultimately, this can cause individuals to fall foul of any exclusions in the terms and conditions of their policies.

For example, it`s really important to give a correct description of your locks as you may be refused a pay out if they haven`t been described accurately.

And boasting on Facebook about a dream trip could also cause problems if you are burgled as this increases your risk of being broken into.

Earlier this year a report by the AA revealed that households will be faced with a rise in home insurance premiums as a result of an increase in claims and the decision to leave the EU.

Indeed home insurance prices rose at their fastest rate in three years in June and July this year, according to research from Consumer Intelligence.

The market research firm also said the average home insurance premium in the UK had increased 7% in the year to July to £131, with London seeing the biggest rate increases (see table).

Whilst many of the examples of invalidating your insurance identified may seem to follow from innocuous acts, homeowners should always take time to read the small print and ensure that they have complied with the same otherwise the insurance may not be valid and not worth the paper it is written on.

The Home Insurers Checklist – The Things Which Could Invalidate Your Insurance.

1. Pictures on social media of expensive new jewellery, computers or any new purchases. It is tantamount to advertising you have something to steal and many social media sites give away your location.

2. Holiday pictures on social media – sometimes known as ‘insta-bragging’, they tell the world you`re away and show you haven`t tried to minimise the risk of a break-in.

3. Being away on holiday for more than 30 days. Some insurers have a ‘vacancy’ exclusion clause, as empty houses are considered to be at greater risk of burglary or weather damage.

4. Not putting a burglar alarm on if you have one – even if you`re just nipping out for a few minutes.

5. Not telling insurers about the trees in your garden – subsidence, caused by roots and bushes located within a certain distance may not be covered.

6. Not dealing with mice.

7. Purposefully damaging property during a row – as it is deemed `malicious` you won`t be able to make a claim.

8. Failing to secure outdoor garden tools which could be used to break into your house.

9. Not telling your insurers when you have builders on-site If you don`t and then suffer damage to the property your insurer may not pay out – or may make a reduced payment.

10. Spare keys left hidden outside the house – if there`s an unforced break-in, your insurer may not fully pay out.

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