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Parenting disputes in the summer holidays

As the summer holidays approach, sorting out the arrangements for children can easily become a juggling act. Parents are faced with arranging childcare for 6 to 8 weeks which often entails relying upon help from extended family.

These difficulties may be exacerbated when parents are separated and agreeing on the holiday arrangements becomes a matter of dispute. For some parents, it can seem almost impossible to get a simple solution, particularly if their relationship is at an all-time low.

In this blog, we’ll examine what you can do to prevent these kinds of problems from occurring with your ex-partner while also detailing your options if you run into a dispute that can’t be avoided.

The importance of planning ahead

First and foremost, never underestimate the importance of planning ahead. Those parents who are able to plan some time ahead minimise the risk of any last-minute difficulties and provide the children with a structure for their holidays which in turn provides much-needed stability.

Some practical tips for managing holiday parenting schedules

When it comes to being proactive with planning and communicating effectively together, there are a few things you can do to reduce the chance of disputes.

  • Some parents agree certain weeks of the holidays which they stick to each year.
  • Many parents use parenting apps to assist with the planning.
  • Something as simple as a shared calendar where both parents can access the shared schedule can remove doubt and ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Have a backup plan. Between work, unreliable travel companies and the great British summer, there are all kinds of ways for plans to go awry. Being open and having a backup plan in place can help to avoid a total collapse in the arrangements.
  • Ensure any schools or summer camps are coordinated between both parents. It may sound silly, but something like a school summer camp scheduled for when a parent is due to have the children to stay can create a lot of conflict when it wasn’t on their radar already.

Understanding child arrangements

One of the most important things to consider from a legal perspective is what the agreements are between you and your partner, especially pertaining to holiday arrangements. As a part of this, you should also ensure you’re up to date on any changes to the agreement and have these changes in writing to prevent disputes.

Communication is key

Communication is key. If parents are struggling to communicate effectively in the best interests of their children, there are experts out there who can help. Specialist mediators can provide a safe environment for parents to discuss any issues affecting their children.

Resolution – Gorvins approach to family law

The family team at Gorvins prides itself on being members of Resolution, an organisation of family law professionals who are committed to a non-confrontational approach to help individuals resolve their family issues.

Where parents are experiencing difficulties in agreeing the arrangements for their children during the holidays, we will ensure you’re advised fully on all of the options available to you. Court is very much a last resort and the hope is that with expert guidance and support, a more harmonious co-parenting relationship can be established.

The bottom line

Parenting schedules and plans have much more likelihood of succeeding if agreed between the parents and with the child’s wellbeing at the forefront. Through the methods mentioned, you can avoid disputes that could put a dampener on summer plans for you and your children.

Where disputes do occur, non-confrontational legal support is often one of the best ways to achieve the right outcome.

If you require legal advice and support for your family issues, our expert team of lawyers is on hand to help with understanding and compassion. To get started, call us on 0161 930 5151, email us at or fill in the online form.