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Motorbike Accidents and Injuries to Pillion Passengers

As an extremely vulnerable road user injuries arising from such accidents are often very serious and can be life changing.

Accidents can happen due to the dangerous surface of the road (in which event the Highway Authority may be liable), the negligent driving of other motorists or the negligent driving of the person riding the motorcycle. For example, the rider might not take into consideration how carrying a pillion passenger impacts the way in which the bike handles the road, balances and how it effects the suspension performance.

By law, the motorcyclist riding the bike must:

  • Ensure that the bike has been fitted with an adequate pillion seat;
  • Ensure that the passenger is able to reach the footrests;
  • Ensure that the passenger is travelling facing forwards;
  • Supply the passenger with a BSA (British Standards Authority) approved helmet;
  • Agree with their passenger a means of communication whilst on the bike, i.e. by hand signal or intercom;
  • Make their passenger aware of the dangers of riding pillion.

Although it is illegal for a motorcyclist with a provisional licence to carry a pillion passenger, it is still possible to recover compensation from the motorcyclist’s insurers and legal advice should be sought immediately.

In addition to your physical injury, you may be entitled to claim compensation for psychological trauma, loss of earnings, damaged clothing/personal effects, mobility aids, private medical costs and the value of care and assistance provided by family members or friends during your period of rehabilitation.

We are able to arrange for our clients to receive expert treatment to help with the road to recovery as well as obtaining compensation their injuries and financial losses that arise as a result of the accident.

The writer has in excess of 30 years’ experience dealing with road traffic accident claims. We will handle your pillion passenger claim on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis which means that if you don’t win, you won’t have to pay.

If you have been injured whilst travelling as a pillion passenger in the last three years and wish to make a claim, please feel free to contact the writer, Lisa Chambers, on 161 930 5156 or for a no obligation discussion.