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Accidents in the Gym

According to a recent survey, more than 40% of adults in England have gained on average half a stone in weight during the pandemic with Public Health England (PHE) are proposing a fitness drive and regular exercise being recommended.

More and more people will be returning back to the gym but sometimes accidents happen.

What sort of Accidents can occur in the gym?

Gym equipment can be often complicated and heavy, without the correct instruction or guidance accidents can occur as a result of the following:

  • Faulty equipment
  • Poorly maintained equipment
  • Incorrect use
  • Inadequate instruction or training

The injuries for these type of accident can range from minor bruising or strains to extremely serious spinal injuries.

Should you be unfortunate enough to sustain an injury whilst in the gym, you should seek medical assistance, take photographic evidence of your injuries and if possible photographs of the faulty equipment and report the accident to a member of staff so this can be logged in the accident book.

If you have been injured whilst in the gym, please feel free to contact the writer, Andrew Warburton, on 0161 930 5179 or for a no obligation discussion.