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Cycling accident claims on the rise

Cycling accident

The number of cyclists on the roads across the UK has vastly increased since the beginning of lockdown at the end of March 2020. According to Forbes, bicycle sales increased by 63% between April and June 2020.

A leading insurance company has warned motorists to look out for cyclists as that there has been a rise in cycling accident claims with the increased amount of cyclists on the road. Many people have started cycling during lockdown to stay healthy, but as the lockdown rules start to ease many are now cycling to work to avoid public transport and possible traffic.

As the amount of cars on the road are now starting to reach pre-lockdown numbers it is important for motorists and cyclists to be aware that the roads are getting busier and with that accidents are more likely to happen.

What should I do if I was involved in a cycling accident?

Here are some points you need to consider if you are involved in a cycling accident:

1. Seeking medical help should be the top priority.

Everyone involved in the accident should be checked by a medical professional to ensure that they get the help they need as well as fully understand the extent of their injuries. It’s important to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the accident.

2. Get the details of everyone involved in the accident

It’s important to know who you were involved in the accident with and whose vehicle was involved. If possible note down the name, driving licence details and the vehicle registration number.

Additionally, you may also want to get the details of any witnesses to the accidents as they might be able to further support your claim.

3. Take photos of the accident scene and your injuries.

If it is safe to do so you should also take photos with measurements and a video of the scene of the accident as evidence of what has happened. This can help with the claim as long as the photos/videos show the accident scene from various angles and the viewer is able to understand what happened.

Additionally, it could be beneficial to take photos of your injuries as you have three years to bring a personal injury claim forward from the day of the accident, so if you don’t pursue the claim straight away your injuries may heal by the time you’re ready to do so.

4. Report the accident to the police

It’s important that the accident is recorded by the local police even if they didn’t attend the scene of the incident. You should contact the local authorities to let them know what happened, when and who was involved as soon as you can.

If the police did attend the scene of the accident, you should request a copy of the police report, which can also be used as evidence in your personal injury claim..

For more information or to discuss an accident that wasn’t your fault please call our specialist team on 0161 930 5151 or email