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Success for women’s employment claims against Asda

Success for women’s employment claims against Asda

The case was the largest private sector Equal Pay Claim the UK has ever seen and was brought on behalf of female workers who felt that they were paid less, despite doing the same amount of work as their male counterparts.

These women were in hourly-paid roles in Asda stores which they state was of equal value with jobs done by men in Asda distribution centres, who earned more per hour.

Asda defended the claims, stating that because stores and distribution centres were in different locations, with different pay arrangements, they could pay male workers within the centres whatever they thought appropriate and did not need to consider what they paid those employees working in their stores.

A spokesperson at Asda commented, “Men and women doing the same job in our distribution centres are paid the same. Pay rates in stores differ from pay rates in distribution centres for legitimate reasons, including the different market rates for different jobs in different sectors.”

The Employment Tribunal however found that as an employer of both males and females, Asda could have ensured that there was equal pay between men and women if they wanted to, but chose not to.

The result means that more than 7,000 store-workers can now proceed with claims for Equal Pay against Asda, potentially claiming up to 6 years’ lost pay, which could have far-reaching implications for other supermarket workers looking to make similar claims.

If you feel you have an Equal Pay Claim, you can speak to one of expert Employment Law Solicitors who can advise you on whether you can do anything about it and what the best course of action is. Contact our expert employment law team on 0161 930 5151, e-mail or fill in our online form and we will call you back.