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Careful planning for the future saves stress, heartache …. and money!

Rebecca Iles of Darlington recently sued her mother, Margaret Iles, over money due to her from her deceased father’s estate.

Bob Iles passed away in 2000 and apparently left in trust for Rebecca the rental income from a large industrial estate he had owned, that would have given her an income of between £800 – £1,200 per month.

Miss Iles is suing her mother for tens of thousands of pounds as she says her mother has deliberately withheld information from her in respect of the rent.

Margaret Iles claims that she had no knowledge of the arrangements that had been put in place by her late husband.

Although the Court decision is still awaited, this case highlights the need to ensure that your wishes relating to the distribution of your estate after you have passed away are documented clearly in writing and communicated to your solicitor and to those nearest to you.

There is an indication from witnesses that Mr Iles had apparently told some individuals of his intentions, however, the trust deed itself was not found until some years after his death at the family home.  In the circumstances, as a safeguard, it is recommended that you store a copy of your Will and any supporting documents with your solicitor.

Regardless of whether Rebecca Iles’ claim is successful, the case itself will have taken months – if not years – to reach Court, during which time the relationship between Miss Iles and her mother undoubtedly will have broken down, perhaps irretrievably, having caused great stress to all concerned including other members of the family and will have come at a significant financial cost………. all of which, with some careful planning could have avoided.

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